Category Archives: Election 2010

Who’s The Boss?

          In my last post, “The Phantom President”, I wrote about how our president said that Americans were scared and not “thinking clearly”.  I said then, that many of us were, in fact, thinking clearly, and even some of Obama’s own supporters had finally come out of their “HopenChange” stupor—and we would prove just how awake we were. And so we did this past Tuesday. But even after the “shellacking” that the president admitted the Democrats had gotten from the voters, he still doesn’t accept any of the responsibility for it.
          In an unusual turn of journalistic events, a member of the press corps actually pressed Obama as to whether it just might have been his own policies that the voters had so clearly rejected. The reporter asked him the first time and he droned on and on about electric cars and energy efficiency- not something that was even on the radar for most voters. So she asked again and he fell into more of the usual talking points about saving us from another Great Depression and the emergency situation we were in. So she tried again, and this time he actually manages to mention the economy and jobs, but puts it back on the voters—things just weren’t the outcomes we expected.
          But, to those of us who know history, we know his ideas are old and we know where they lead, so they were what we expected—they just weren’t what we wanted. How many times and in how many ways did voters say “NO!” to this administration’s spending? At every turn—Cap & Trade, ObamaCare, multiple stimulus bills, etc., we were told by these elitists and their media clones that they know what’s best for us. The president even recently called us, his fellow Americans, his enemies and told us we had to “sit in the back” of his proverbial car/bus- whatever image he was using that day.
          We’ve put up with two years of being called “racists”, “teabaggers” (a particularly vile slam as those using it know it to be a vulgar homosexual reference), “Nazis”, “wealthy corporate operatives”, “hicks”, “hillbillies” “un-American”, “hate-mongers”, “fear-mongers”, “war-mongers”, “uneducated”, “religious bigots”, “terrorists”…all of this simply because we disagree with this president and the path he is taking our nation down.
          The president and the liberal/progressives who believe as he does, see most people—those who don’t live in New York, LA and Chicago—in the ways described above. It’s the way progressives have always seen people unlike themselves ever since there have been progressives. They see people as “the masses” that need to be controlled and told what to do from the time they get up until the time they go to bed. It’s all about control.
          Control was at the heart of all of the massive legislation that’s been shoved down our throats by FORMER Queen Nancy Pelosi (yay!) and weasel Harry Reid. If that wasn’t the case, little “surprises” having nothing to do with health care wouldn’t be found buried in the thousands of pages of this boondoggle. For example: the provision turning over control for the student loan industry to the government, the 3.8% tax on the sale of a home beginning next year, and the new tax on gold sales. Do you still believe it had anything to do with insuring the uninsured? This is just one bill! Even the president admitted, in his interview with Jon Stewart, “We have done things that people don’t even know about.” He really needs his TelePrompTer at all times! So much for having a transparent government.

          While this week’s election was far from an embrace of the Republican Party, it was just the start of what conservative Constitution-loving Americans will continue to do. The Tea Parties won’t stop just because some of the candidates supported by Tea Party-goers didn’t win their elections. We finally had our chance to be heard, and this time they couldn’t disconnect their voicemails or their fax machines, cancel their town hall meetings, or respond to our concerns with a pointless form letter. These people need to constantly be reminded that we don’t work for them…and the new people need to know that we’ll be watching to make certain that they stick with the Constitutional values they promised to uphold.

The Phantom President

The Not Me! Commander in Chief

               There’s a popular syndicated cartoon called “The Family Circus” that’s been around for a few decades. It depicts family life with poignant humor as it re-creates scenes from a typical American family with kids and a dog. One particularly funny character—or maybe it’s a non-character—is the “Not Me!” guy. Whenever the kids are doing something they shouldn’t, like raiding the cookie jar for instance, the mom walks in and asks, “Who ate all the cookies?” (or whatever scandalous thing they might have done. One by one, each child says, “Not me!”, as a little ghost-like character runs through the scene. So, the guilty party (or parties) shifts the blame for their obvious infractions to the make-believe figure known as “Not Me!”.
                It’s a lot like that in Washington these days. From the top down, those in leadership never take responsibility for their actions. President Obama has made it his standard operating procedure to blame George W. Bush for everything. How many times has he told us, “I inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression.” Not only is that not true, but he seems to forget that whatever he inherited, he also helped to create. Since presidents don’t actually hold the purse strings (the Congress does), he would have voted for those very over-blown budgets that helped get the Republicans bumped out of power. Provided he bothered to show up on those days and didn’t vote “present” instead as he was known to do. Responsible for the economy? “Not Me!”, says the president. “I’m just cleaning up the mess I inherited.” Take-over of the automobile industry? “Not Me! I’ve got enough on my plate!” Socializing the free market? “Not Me! I believe in the power of the free market system.”

          When he isn’t shifting the blame to the previous administration and shirking his responsibility for the current problems at hand, he’s golfing, taking multiple vacations and campaigning. On the campaign trail last week, when speaking at a Democrat fundraising event in Massachusetts, he decided to blame a new enemy for the state of things: the American people. Said Obama, “Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we’re hardwired not to always think clearly when we’re scared…and the country’s scared.”
In other words, his policies are good for us, we’re just too scared and stupid to realize it. Once again it’s “Not Me! Not my policies! It’s you people!” Forget that these kinds of policies have been tried here and around the world many times and have failed each and every time. It’s us- we just don’t get it.
          Now this isn’t the first time this president has talked down to and about the American people here and abroad. He’s apologized to people on our behalf…did you ask him to? Not me!
          Did anyone ask you, as a taxpayer, if you wanted to bail out Wall Street, the auto industry and people who had mortgages they should never have had? Not me!
          Are you looking forward to the government’s take-over of the health care system and all of the “unintended consequences” that it’s already bringing (such as higher premiums)? Not me!
          So, Mr. President, many of us are scared. But, we were scared when you were still a candidate who talked about redistributing the wealth, and blathered on about “hope and change” and “fundamentally transforming America”. Those of us who were thinking clearly then, are still thinking clearly now, and we’re still not buying it. In fact, some of your voters, who were taken in 2 years ago, have awakened to the reality of just what your hope and change involves…and they ain’t liking it!
          So, I plan to be voting on November 2nd, against Jim Cooper, an entrenched incumbent who voted for all of this mess, yet comes back home and preaches how fiscally conservative he is. I hope everyone reading this will be voting for principled conservatives as well.
          Who wants to live in the America of “Hopeless Chains”…high unemployment, stifling the private sector, stealing liberty and massive government intrusion into every aspect of daily life?
Not me!